Unfortunately, we are not accepting any new applications, as of Dec. 31 - 2021.

Who is Eligible for Dental Treatment in FDCP?

Applicants must meet all of the personal, financial, and dental-need criteria for acceptance into the FDCP program. For appropriate care, the FDCP program can only accept a limited number of applications in a particular period before new applicants will be considered.

The 3 basic criteria to accept patients into the FDCP program include:

1) Personal: A completed application form, personal statement, and a personal reference must be submitted with all the necessary details and supplemental information included.

2) Financial Considerations: Applicants must submit their CRA NOAs (Notice of Assessment) for the current year and one year previous for all family members, which will confirm true financial constraints that prevent appropriate preventative dental services.

Federal Low-Income Levels are used to gauge eligibility for acceptance in the FDCP Program:

1 person: $25,338

2 persons: $31,544

3 persons: $38,780

4 persons: $47,084

5 persons: $53,402

6+ persons: $60,228

3) Dental Needs: Applicants must have significant dental disease that has a negative impact on their general health or employment status.  For applicants requiring only minimal restorations or presenting with minor dental disease, education will be provided on how to reduce the risk of progression of their dental condition.  Significant dental disease to confirm eligibility in FDCP includes any of the following:

  • 8 or more teeth affected (multiple restorations required – anterior or posterior)
  • Multiple extractions necessary (5+ teeth removed, based on gross caries or periodontal disease)
  • Missing or fractured anterior teeth (canine to canine) that pose a barrier to employment


For step-by-step instructions on our application process, please refer to our ‘How to Apply’ page.